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Engagé, the project


From the French dictionary: Engagé est aussi qui est engagé dans un endroit et ne peut en être retiré facilement. Qui prend position, en vertu de ses convictions profondes, sur les problèmes sociaux, politiques ou religieux de son temps. (Engaged is also one who is engaged in a place and cannot be removed easily. Who takes a position, by virtue of his deep convictions, on the social, political or religious problems of his time)

The project Engagé comes from a dialogue between Fosco Valentini and Franco Marinotti about the absence or rarity, in contemporary socially engaged art (political art, social art. etc.) of that freedom of irony and imagination essential to shed light on and discuss the emergencies of our world, that we live as nightmares bothering us. With the Engagé space we start daydreaming again, as it proposes to develop a synergetic path collateral to the programme of the Fabbrica del cioccolato Foundation, going against those “artistisations” borrowed from the media and aimed to dramatize ecological, social and political emergencies, exacerbating communication masochism. Engagé wants to give space to Contemporary Art’s expressive methodologies, to those worlds of Art, Politics, Ethics and Aesthetics investigating with a “Dionysiac” approach, knowing that both in art and in the human nature there is no such a thing as satisfaction, there is no sense of enough, but rather an innate need for excess. That’s the reason why we can’t live without imagination, without adorning and exaggerating.
